table of contents

  • 5 Tips to have in mind when you’re learning a new thing

    The human race has a desire for learning, we learn from everything and everyone since the day we are born till our death, and we are always looking for more information, we try to acquire more skills to be more competitive in this modern  world or simply to feel better with ourselves.


    Nowadays people with more skills have more opportunities, for example, you have more chance to be selected for a job if you speak more than one language, and it is not only a matter of job’s opportunities, you may want to learn new things just because you want to satisfy your natural hunger of knowledge.


    Learning new things


    When we are children we learn a lot of things very fast, and we are encouraged to learn more and more, when we are adults we apply the knowledge acquired during childhood, but we all can still learning and acquiring new skills, we just need to focus in our goal.


    5 tips to learn something new


    1- Learn the meaning of what you’re learning, don’t memorize just random information, everything has a context and a meaning, if you know what are you learning and why, you will retain more for more time and the learning will be more complete.


    2- Practice, a lot of practice, it helps you to understand what you’re learning, to find out the real aspect of the subject, it completes the theory perfectly, and not only sports, or languages enjoy the benefits of practice, every subject can be practiced, you also should create habit and routines that helps you to enforce your newly acquired knowledge and skills practicing, finally try to spend more time practicing the aspects that you consider harder to learn.


    3- Teach what you learn, this is a great way to fix the knowledge to your brain, after you have studied something try to explain it to a partner or friend, if you don’t have anyone, just pretend that you are explaining to an imaginary person or thing how you could explain that subject to someone if you have it, this have been proved to be an excellent method.


    4- Take frequent breaks, the information will be retained easiest this way, if you study 5 or 8 hours without break, you will overload your brain and will get the opposite effect, you need to take short breaks, and take in count that the brain, when you rest, enters in a diffuse mode when you are able to see the big picture and put all things together.


    5- Test yourself, we usually dislike tests, but they are great to figure out how much have you retained, besides, making a tests is like remove the support wheels of the bicycle when you’re learning to ride, you have to do it in some moment, it helps you to use the information inside you without your notes or texts (the support wheels or a towing service).


    September 11, 2018

  • How to get the best score in school? Learn all about it here!

    No one said school was easy but, it is not impossible either; in fact, school is as hard as we want it to be. Even when we were actually learning and retaining all the information that might be useful later on other subjects or even in our professional lives, we might be performing poorly on tests and other assignments and this is because we may not be used to the evaluation system. But don’t worry, there are some ways to take on tests and get higher marks, so keep reading if you want to know how!

    First of all, focus on the information you need to process. The key start is attending to all your classes regularly and being fully concentrated there, a nice way to keep concentrated is to take notes while you’re listening. Of course, writing all down will make you miss a lot of things, so you better write down the most relevant things or the topics you don’t understand fully to make a research later on. Also, if you want to know how much do you know, look for some test models to practice.

    Once you’ve got clear information, it comes the time to study it. That starts knowing how to manage your study sessions properly. It’s guaranteed that you’ll get more success by studying the material for short periods and several times a week rather than going on deep and long sessions the night before the exam. While studying, exploit your sense memory to its fullest, for example, if you get exposed to the smell of vanilla or a Queen song while studying science, getting exposed to those same stimuli during the test will help you remember the information you were reviewing during your study session.

    When it comes to habits, there are several activities that have little to do with studying but will help you perform. For example eating on a healthy way before the study sessions will keep away hunger distractions and tiredness; rest well, there’s no way on Earth you’ll perform well if you’re tired and even less if you saturated your brain with information studying that night before. Also, drink water while studying and doing the test, this will help you think clearly, but be careful with the amounts you drink, we don’t want to hold the urge to go to the bathroom while on the test!

    Now, when it comes to do the test, have a blank paper sheet where you can write formulas or important things as soon as the test starts to avoid forgetting them; don’t waste much time on the questions that might seem too difficult to answer, start with the easiest ones and think calmly the other ones; If you’re having a hard time remembering, look for some clues on the other questions and don’t leave questions in blank unless wrong answers have penalization.

    Acing your test might be easier than you thought with the right studying and health habits. You have the tips, use them!

    August 13, 2018

  • Tips to learn fast: Stay sharp!

    During scholar time, we get to attend to a lot of courses that catch our attention and will probably mark our lives to show us what we are going to do later on with our professional lives. Of course, as there are amazing subjects, there are others that don’t seem to be nice or exciting for us, but we need to get good grades there as well. Student life can be stressing with the tons of assignments that we need to take care of, but there are some nice tips that can help us learn fast and improve our academic performances.

    The first one goes to the usage of many ways to learn from a topic. We generally stick to the notes we take on the notebooks during the lectures, but reaching to a textbook, explaining the recently studied subject to someone else, watch videos about the subject you’re studying can help incredibly, just don’t push yourself to do it in just one session.

    If you’re preparing for upcoming tests in many subjects it’s wiser to study a little bit of each one than doing a deep session focused on just one subject. The human brain can confuse similar information if you try to learn a whole topic in just one sitting, so splitting your sessions in various subjects will help your brain consolidate the learning.

    If you want things to remain in your long term memory, then avoid cramming at all costs and review the information periodically. For example, you should review the new information for the first time the day after you acquired it, then, count three days from that first session to do it again, then a week and so on. This will help your brain retain information for longer periods of time.

    A nice, tip would be trying to leave distractions and side tasks aside. Multitasking makes you being less focused on the thing that requires more attention. A good start on avoiding multitasking could be putting your phone on silence or airplane mode to avoid the arrival of notifications, closing the browser tabs that are not related to the topic you’re studying or researching and keeping your study area as organized as possible.

    Instead of using those distractions to keep you from reach full concentration, you might use them as rewards, once you’re done with a study session, you can catch up with the digital world, exercise, go for a walk, eat a healthy snack or go for any other reward that can help you relax and set the mood for the next session.

    Of course, a nice student performance comes with healthy habits such as drinking two liters of water everyday, exercising three times a week to reduce stress and improve your mood, getting plenty of sleep at night (around eight hours) and including healthy food on your diet like blueberries, chicken, eggs and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

    Good grades are waiting for you, and now you know how to get them!

    August 5, 2018

  • Struggling with your time? Learn how to do everything on time!

    Time is something extremely valuable and slippery, and once you lose it, it never comes back, nothing and nobody can defeat time and it can be a friend or an enemy, it depends of what we do with it.


    We always are struggling to do all we have to do in the limited amount of time available, and frequently we fail, causing a lot of problems that we seriously need to avoid, that is extremely stressing and frustrating|, but there are some tips that can help us to achieve our goals.


    Six tips to do everything on time


    1- Define what you need/want to do, set realistic goals to be done in realistic periods of time, organize your task according to their importance and urgency, do first urgent and important task, then the important ones (don’t let them become into urgent), then  the urgent but not important and finally those that are neither urgent or important, determine which task must be done not matter what, if you can’t do all you have planned for the day, at least do those.


    2- Determine how you waste time and do something about it, identify and make a list of those activities that consume a lot of your productive time and try to solve it, for example, if you waste too much time looking for your keys, create a place to keep them near always, make a menu for the week, keep everything organized so you can find everything you whatever you need easily and quickly, if there is some activity that waste a lot of time like watching tv for example, schedule it, so you can do everything, your duty and recreation too.


    3- Avoid distractions, once you have started to work in one task of the list concentrate, and really avoid all distractions, turn of the TV if you’re tempted to see what’s happening in your favorite TV show, schedule a repetition instead, work using headphones, even if you´re not listening anything, people tend to disturb you less if you are using them.


    4- Social media is a great time waster, don´t be online always, save some time to read and answer your emails, check facebook, etc. silence the notifications of groups and be online only for a while once you have finished one or several tasks before you start the next one and then disconnect again.


    5- Do all similar tasks together, that will save resources and time, try to do the most unpleasant task first, that usually take more time, once you have done it the next is easier.


    6- Learn to say NO, a big no, you have to learn to refuse requests from people, if you say yes to every favor others ask, you will overload your schedule and will occupy the time you have assigned to an important task.


    7- wake up one hour earlier, that will help you a lot.

    August 2, 2018